Please Note: When donating a book, the system will still ask for shipping info as a part of the purchase. However, the book will be sent to the recipient of the donation and not to the address you enter. An update in this process is coming - thank you for your understanding!
Wacky Socks, Flowing Scarves, and Love is a visual story and journal created by the love and journey of two talented sisters, Roxann and Rhona. This book is filled with emotional healing advice and encouragement for living with cancer and serves as a guide for navigating the maddening maze of a cancer diagnosis.
Each donated book will go to an individual to use on our Teaching Trail that is currently being developed at Hawk’s Hill Farm. This book will act as a guide as an individual walks the trail to immerse themselves at each of the twelve stops along the trail. Each stop will allow the individual to read and journal one of the twelve emotional healing passages. Hawk’s Hill Farm surrounded by the hug of the Blue Ridge Mountains, provides a healing energy to all who come to this land.
This year we want to bring this work home to Hawk’s Hill Farm. Thank you in advance for supporting those who have been given the challenging diagnosis of cancer with a copy of our book. We hope to be part of their healing work with our commitment to continue to share Rhonda’s legacy with the Rhonda’s Healing Hugs Community.
Each donated book will be identified with your name in the book as one that has shared a Healing Hug and Much Love.
Donate A Book
Our current system will ask for a shipping address when you donate a book, just as if you were purchasing any other product. However, the donated book will be given directly to the recipient and will not be sent to your shipping address. We are working on adjusting this process, and appreciate your understanding! If you have questions or would like to donate a different way, please email Roxann at Thank you!